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Stefan Vigerske edited this page Mar 5, 2019 · 1 revision

The following are part of the OS project. Click on the links for detail on each example.

  1. Executing the make command creates the executable OSSolverService. The OSSolverService can be used to call solvers either locally or remotely. Numerous features of OSSolverService are illustrated.

  2. An example of how to use the OSInstance API to build an optimization instance in OSiL format and write out the format in OSiL.

  3. An example of how to use the AMPL modeling language to create an model instance call a solver to optimize the instance.

  4. An example of how to use the nonlinear OSInstance API for function, gradient, and Hessian calculation. The nonlinear API is based on the COIN project CppAD developed by Brad Bell.

  5. An example of how to upload large instance files to a remote server for optimization.

  6. A simple example of a main() program that can read an instance in OSiL format and call a COIN Sovler.

  7. An example that uses the COIN solver IP opt.

  8. An example that uses MATLAB to build a Markowitz Portfolio Optimization problem and solve with Optimization Services.